每年, millions of reports about fraud are filed, and victims lose billions of dollars because of fraud-related crimes. With fraud becoming more rampant, 了解情况并采取行动保护自己和家人免受欺诈和诈骗是至关重要的. 现在是时候升级,成为一名专业人士,发现你可能正在处理欺诈的常见警告信号:

1. There is a problem or prize involved.
例子:你被告知你中了彩票或比赛,并被告知去领取奖品. In recent years publishers clearing house scams are growing. 如果你被告知你中奖了,并且需要提供个人信息来领奖,请不要参与, 这很可能是个骗局. 

2. You’re confronted with an urgent request.
骗子通常会迫使受害者迅速做出决定或采取行动,从而导致判断失误. Sometimes they can even pretend to be a family member. Before doing anything take the time to do your research! 如果电话看起来确实是你认识的人打来的,那就挂断电话,直接给他们打电话确认一下. 

3. Unexpected charges appear on your bank accounts.
If a fraudster gains unauthorized access to your account information, 他们可能会刷你的借记卡或信用卡来购买你没有购买的东西.

4. 你收到了一张意想不到的支票或一张你没有申请的信用卡.
The check may arrive by registered mail or another delivery method, sometimes requiring a signature, 没有指示. 不兑现支票!

5. You’re asked to verify sensitive information over the phone.
Example: A scammer asks for your social security number, address, 电话号码, 工作经历, 贷款数量, 等. 请记住,Arbor永远不会通过电话询问您的帐号或密码. 如果您有任何疑问,请挂断电话并直接致电我们以确认合法性. 

6. 不熟悉的账户或不准确的信息出现在你的信用报告.
你有资格获得 免费的年度信用检查, which includes reviewing your credit report.

7. 如果你不听从骗子的话,你就会受到严重后果的威胁.

8. You receive an email that doesn’t look quite right.
Pay close attention to the reply address to ensure legitimacy, and 从来没有 click on links in suspicious emails. 

9. It seems too good to be true.
If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is a scam.

10. You’re asked to pay for something in advance, especially via an unusual payment method, 像cryptocurrency, 礼品卡, 或者汇款.
诈骗可以有几种不同的形式,而且越来越复杂, making it vital to be alert and protect yourself from falling victim. 瑞安福尔摩斯, 风险管理总监, 说, “With the advent of COVID and the impact the pandemic has had, the fraud landscape has really accelerated. With so many fraud scams ongoing, 我们希望会员明白的一件事是,Arbor Financial在这里为他们服务. 我们总是愿意解释这些方案是如何工作的,并帮助您的独特情况. Fraud can result in steep losses and stolen identities, so it’s always best to identity these scams as quickly as possible.”


Here’s some frequent scams to be aware of:
骗子给你寄来一张假支票,让你把它存入你的网赌最好最大平台账户, 然后把一部分钱汇回给他们,或者购买礼品卡寄回去. 因为支票是假的, 受害人必须向其金融机构支付支票金额, 除了电汇的钱. 一些场景包括 汽车包装骗局.

•欺诈者发送看似来自金融机构的短信警报,警告会员注意可疑交易, loan approvals or applications. 如果你对文本有反应, the fraudster may call you from a spoofed number, claiming to be from a fraud department, and ask for your online banking username or a passcode. After obtaining this information, 欺诈者使用它登录你的账户并获取敏感信息. 
Be wary of 文本s or calls that appear to be from Arbor Financial. 如果您对任何看似来自Arbor Financial的通信有疑问, 269给我们打个电话.375.6702. 请记住,我们会的 从来没有 ask for your 帐号 or password over the phone.

•国税局 & 税务诈骗:经常, fraudsters will use regular mail, 电话, or email for various scams related to the IRS, 税, 还有失业救济金. 还记得, the IRS does not initiate contact with taxpayers by email, 文本, or social media channels to request personal or financial information. Stay up to date on the latest scams by reading the IRS’ Tax Scams/Consumer Alerts.

• Phishing scams can come in the form of emails and 文本 messages, appearing they are from a company or individual you know or trust, 并经常讲一个虚假的故事来说服你打开链接或附件. They may include claims of suspicious activity, a problem with your payment information, or eligibility for a government refund. Stay informed on the most recent scams through the 联邦贸易委员会. 记住,一定要仔细检查重放地址或电话号码,以确保它是准确的. 还记得 if something seems to good to be true, it probably is.

•COVID-19诈骗:欺诈者继续尝试使用多种工具并通过新闻标题调整其信息来欺骗人们. According to the Department of Health and Human 服务 (HHS), consumers should be on the lookout for these signs of vaccine scams:

  • 网站、社交媒体帖子、电子邮件或电话上的疫苗广告.

  • Offers to sell or ship doses of COVID-19 vaccines.

To learn more about keeping yourself safe, 参观我们的保安中心. For information specific to mortgage scams and protection, visit our mortgage help center

跟上最新的诈骗,以及如何报告诈骗,与美国联邦贸易委员会 点击这里. 如果你怀疑自己已成为身份盗用的受害者,你应立即:

1. 联系三个主要的信用机构,并要求欺诈警报放在你的信用报告.
equifax: 800-525-6285
-TransUnion: 800-680-7289

2. Call Arbor Financial Credit Union at 269.375.6702 and ask for 会员 服务.

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