In 2020, 294.1500万美国人使用并拥有智能手机(Statista), 2021), 这个数字还在持续增长. 机会是, if you're one of the millions of Americans that own a smartphone, 你可以使用数字钱包. 但什么是数字钱包? A 电子钱包 is a technology-based system that securely stores user payment information and passwords. 换句话说, a 电子钱包 is so much more than a way to pay for stuff online- though it's great for that, 太. 输入您的信息后,只需一次, a 电子钱包 is the fastest method of making in-store purchases. 把钱包留在口袋里, 或者在家里, and just tap your phone toward the point of sale for a contactless transaction. Another great benefit of a 电子钱包 is that you can use a variety of apps to pay trusted contacts. An example of a 电子钱包 could be Applepay, GooglePay, and Venmo.

随着科技的不断进步, 使用数字钱包有很多原因和好处, 甚至可能取代传统的钱包. 这里有5个理由让你开始.

1. 方便

One of the biggest reasons people use their 电子钱包 is for the convenience! 你是否在网上购物, 在商店或应用程序中, 您的数字钱包存储了您的信息,方便结账. Most 电子钱包s also let you transfer and request money from friends making it easier than ever to split a bill.

2. 更安全的

Digital wallets use one of the most secure payment methods available: tokenization. Your information is encoded and each transaction you make using your 电子钱包 creates a unique, 一次性代码, 降低安全风险. 如果你掉了钱包, 你的信用卡和信息很容易被盗, compared to 电子钱包s that require two-factor authentication or Face ID. 意义, 如果你掉了或丢了手机, 人们将更难访问你的手机, 如果可能的话. 购物时, authorization can be required in the 电子钱包's settings, 需要唯一的密码, 触摸ID, 或面部识别来购物. 最后, when you enter your Arbor Financial debit or credit card into your 电子钱包, 它完全链接到你的Arbor帐户. So, you’ll be able to see payments and continue monitoring your card through mobile banking and your card statements.


3. 让你更有条理  

Have you ever struggled to find a specific card or coupon in your physical wallet? Digital wallets allow you to organize and carry less by saving loyalty cards, 礼品卡, 优惠券, 旅行通行证(机票), 酒店预订, 火车经过, 等.),甚至是你的学生证. Consolidating everything in one place allows you to keep everything easily accessible, 有组织的, 最重要的是. 

4. 使用非接触式支付,更快结账   

联系less payments have started to boost in popularity over the last few years, 许多人想要无需联系就能付款. Using a 电子钱包 gives you the ability to make contactless payments, 即使你没有非接触式卡. 事实上, using your 电子钱包 is the exact same as paying with a contactless card right to the technology used. 使用数字钱包也比用信用卡支付更快. Simply pull out your phone and use touch or Face ID to confirm the payment. No more fumbling to find the right card and typing in your pin. Your 电子钱包 truly makes checkout stress-free and contactless.

5. 获得购买奖励

因为你的卡已经和你的账户完全绑定了, 所有的奖励积分仍然是通过每次购买获得的. 例如, 如果您使用的是Arbor Financial Visa Rewards信用卡, 你仍然可以获得积分, 包括旅行和餐馆的3分, 食品杂货和汽油2分, 在其他地方都是1x点. 因为许多购物应用程序集成了你的数字钱包, you can even gain store-specific rewards through other mobile apps when using your 电子钱包 to pay.


Digital wallets give you a more secure and versatile way to make transactions in person and online. It’s easy to add your Arbor Financial Credit Union credit card and debit card to your 电子钱包 and start paying without the plastic. Arbor’s cards work with most major 电子钱包s, including ApplePay, SamsungPay, and GooglePay.



财务管理及资源 , 信用卡